The demand for Will registration services has been increasing steadily over the years, and with it, the need for accommodating non-English speaking testators. To meet this need, the DIFC Wills Services Center has recently announced that it will now allow licensed translators appointed by Testators to be present during the Will signing appointment. This will enable Testators to understand the terms of the Will being read out before signing.
Implications of the New Policy
It allows Testators to appoint a translator of their choice, which gives them more control over the process. This is especially beneficial for those who are not well versed in the English language, as it allows them to understand the terms of the Will being read out before signing.
Moreover, the policy requires that the translator must be present for the whole duration of the registration appointment. This ensures that the translator is able to provide assistance throughout the entire process, and also helps to ensure that the Testator doesn't mis-understand any part of the WILL.
Process for Appointing a Translator
The process for appointing a translator is relatively straightforward. The Testator must contact licensed translator approved by Ministry of Justice for any language of their choice. Once a translator has been appointed, the Testator must provide the translator’s Emirates ID/passport copy to the DIFC Wills Services Center. This must be included under ‘additional documents’ on the portal at the time of booking the appointment which can be done by the DIFC lawyer appointed by the testator for drafting the WILL. Finally, the Testator must ensure that the translator is available for the whole duration of the registration appointment. This is to ensure that the translator is able to provide assistance throughout the entire process.
Benefits of Having a Translator Present During the Will Signing Appointment
It allows Testators to understand the terms of the Will being read out before signing. This is especially beneficial for those who are not well versed in the English language, as it allows them to understand the terms of the Will being read out before signing.
Additionally, it helps to ensure that the Testator is aware of all the implications of the Will before signing. This is because the translator is able to explain the terms of the Will in the Testator’s native language, which helps to ensure that the Testator is aware of all the implications of the Will before signing.